Публикации // 2020
Статьи в журналах и периодических изданиях
- O.O. Shichalin, Yu. Buravlev, A.S. Portnyagin, M.I. Dvornik, E.A. Mikhailenko, A.V.Golub, A.M.Zakharenko, A.E. Sukhorada, K.Yu Talskikh, A.A. Buravleva, A.N. Fedorets, V.O. Glavinskaya, A.D. Nomerovskiy, E.K. Papynov. SPS hard metal alloy WC-8Ni-8Fe fabrication based on mechanochemical synthetic tungsten carbide powder // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. V. 816. 5, Номер статьи 152547
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152547 • Scopus, WoS:Q1
- Alexander A. Burkov, P.G. Chigrin. Synthesis of Ti-Al intermetallic coatings via electrospark deposition in a mixture of Ti and Al granules technique // Surface and coatings technology. 2020. Vol. 387. P. 125550
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125550 • Scopus, WoS:Q1
- M.I. Dvornik, E.A. Mikhailenko. The influence of the rotation frequency of a planetary ball mill on the limiting value of the specific surface area of the WC and Co nanopowders // Advanced Powder Technology. 2020. Vol. 8 P.3937.
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2020.07.033 • Scopus, WoS:Q1
- Aleksey V. Zaitsev, Evgeny A. Kirichenko, Oleg I. Kaminsky, Konstantin S. Makarevich. Investigation into the efficiency of photocatalytic oxidation of aqueous solutions of organic toxins in a unit with an automatically cleaning bismuthsilicate photocatalyst // Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020. Vol. 37. P. 101468
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101468 • Scopus, WoS:Q1
- Zavodinsky V.G., Kabaldin, Y. G. Modeling study of adhesion in the TiN/Ti, TiN/ZrN, TiN/Ti/ZrN, and TiN/Zr/ZrN layered systems // Journal of Adhesion. 2020. Vol. 96. P. 633-646.
✓ DOI: 10.1080/00218464.2018.1488217 • Scopus, WoS:Q2
- D.S. Shtarev, V.K. Ryabchuk, F.V. Rudakova, A.V. Shtareva, M.A. Molokeev, E.A. Kirichenko, N. Serpone. Phenomenological Rule from Correlations of Conduction/Valence Band Energies and Bandgap Energies in Semiconductor Photocatalysts: Calcium Bismuthates versus Strontium Bismuthates // CHEMCATCHEM. 2020. Vol. 12. P. 1551-1555.
✓ DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201902236 • Scopus, WoS:Q2
- Galkin N.G., Galkin K.N. Dotsenko S.F., Pyachin S.A., Astapov I.A. Ca2Si(100) epitaxial films on the Si(111) substrate: Template growth, structural and optical properties // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2020. Vol. 113, Номер статьи 105036.
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2020.105036 • Scopus, WoS:Q2
- Dvornik M.I., Mikhailenko E.A., Nikolenko S.V., Vlasova N.M., Skiruta A.E. Production of ultrafine-grained spherical β-WC-W2C-Co microparticles by electro discharge erosion of WC-15Co alloy in glycerol and their solutions // Materials Research Express. 2020. Vol. 7. P. 096504.
✓ DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/abb0d6 • Scopus, WoS:Q2
- Khimukhin, Sergey Nikolaevich; Kim, Evgeniy Davydovich; Ri, Ernst Hosenovich. Synthesis of NiAl composite alloys by metallothermy method // MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS. 2019. N 19P. 2278-2282 Часть: 5
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.597 • WoS:Q4
- Khimukhin, Sergey, Eremina, Kseniia, Ri, Hosen. The structure of the intermetallic coating after ultrasonic burnishing process // MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS. 2019. Том: 19 Стр.: 2413-2416 Часть: 5
✓ DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.08.046 • WoS:Q4
- Бурков А.А., Кулик М.А. Properties of Ti-Al intermetallic coatings obtained by electrospark processing in a mixture of Ti and Al granules // Letters of Materials. 2020. Vol.10. No.1(37). P. 60-65
✓ DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2020-1-60-65 • Scopus, WoS:Q4, Ядро РИНЦ
- Nikolenko S.V., Konevtsov L.A., Chigrin P.G. Additive influence of carbon and carbides of vanadium and chrome in anodic tungsten-cobalt materials on their erosive fragility and formation of the alloyed layers at ESA of steels 35 // Materials science forum. 2020. Vol. 992. P. 683-688.
✓ DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.683 • Scopus, WoS:Q4
- Kusmichev E.N., Nikolenko S.V., Chigrin P.G. Preparation of tungsten based metal-ceramic alloys by the plasma chemical synthesis from the mineral concentrate mined in the Far Eastern region // Materials science forum. 2020. Vol. 992. P. 809-813.
✓ DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.809 • Scopus, WoS:Q4, Ядро РИНЦ
- Burkov, A. A. Krutikova, V. O. Deposition of Amorphous Hardening Coatings by Electrospark Treatment in a Mixture of Crystalline Granules // RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS. 2020. Vol. 61. No.1. P. 132-141.
✓ DOI: 10.3103/S1067821220010022 • Scopus, WoS:Q4
- Kirichenko, E.A., Kaminsky, O.I. Zaytsev, A.V., Makarevich, K.S., Pyachin, S.A. Photocatalytic Properties of the α-Bi2O3/Bi Composition in the Visible Region Depending on Metallic Bismuth Concentration and Degree of Imperfection of the Bismuth Oxide Crystal Lattice // Optics and Spectroscopy. 2020. Vol.128. Issue 3. P. 327-334.
✓ DOI: 10.1134/S0030400X20030091 • Scopus, WoS:Q4, Ядро РИНЦ
- S. N. Khimukhin, V. B. Deev, E. Kh. Ri, E. D. Kim. High temperature synthesis of nickel aluminide alloys with tungsten carbide // Non-ferrous Metals. 2020. Vol. 1. No.48. P. 31-34.
✓ DOI: 10.17580/nfm.2020.01.05 • Scopus, WoS:Q4
- Ivanov, V.I., Konevtsov, L.A., Aulov, V.F. Rhenium as a perspective anodic material in materialogy of surface at electric spark of alloying // Materials Science Forum. 2020. Vol. 992. P. 615-620
✓ DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.615 • Scopus, WoS:Q4
- Дворник М.И., Михайленко Е.А. Создание ультрамелкозернистого твердого сплава WC-15%Co из порошка полученного электроэрозионным диспергированием отходов сплава ВК15 в воде // Известия вузов. Порошковая металлургия и покрытия 2020 №3 с. 4-16.
✓ DOI: 10.17073/1997-308X-2020-3-4-16 • Scopus, Ядро РИНЦ
- Nikolenko S., Konevtsov L., Makienko V., Kim E. Use of aluminium matrix for Electrospark Alloying of carbon steels // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020. Vol. 1115, P. 291-299.
✓ DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37916-2_28 • Scopus
- Chernomas V.V., Chimuchin S.N., Chimuchina T.S. Optimization of Technological Parameters of the Process for Obtaining a Strip by the Combined Method of Metal Casting and Deformation // Material science forum. 2020. Vol. 992. p. 473
✓ DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.473 • Scopus
- Ляшенко Б. А., Подчерняев А И. А., Коневцов Л. А., Козырь А. В., Коваленко С. В., Каминский А. В. Материалогия покрытий титановых сплавов методами физикохимии и электроискрового легирования / в 2 частях. Под редакцией д-ра техн. наук, проф. В. М. Давыдова. - Том. Часть 2. ЭИЛ-покрытия, Монография. 2020 C. 348
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